Breast Cancer Research
National Institution for Breast Cancer Research
Can a PET scan be used for early detection of some forms of breast cancer?
Principal Investigators: Jules Cohen, MD, and Anat Biegon, PhD
Colon Cancer Research
Identifying Novel Drugs for Colon Cancer
Can highly targeted new drugs inhibit cancer cell growth?
Principal Investigator: Vincent W. Yang, MD, PhD, Simons Chair of Medicine and Professor, Department of Medicine
Can highly targeted new drugs inhibit cancer cell growth?
Principal Investigator: Vincent W. Yang, MD, PhD, Simons Chair of Medicine and Professor, Department of Medicine
Lipid Research
Exploring Lipids Further
How do certain compounds regulate cell lipids and, in turn, biological responses?
Principal Investigator: Cungui Mao, PhD
How do certain compounds regulate cell lipids and, in turn, biological responses?
Principal Investigator: Cungui Mao, PhD