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Tweet Chat: Cancer Nutrition

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Health Central, an online health community, led a tweet chat on March 12 on the topic of Cancer Nutrition in honor of National Nutrition Month. Health experts and medical professionals across the country participated in the chat, along with Jennifer Fitzgibbon, MS, RD, Oncology Nutritionist at Stony Brook Cancer Center.

If you missed the chat, you can still see all the information and expertise that was shared. You can either view the chat on Storify here or check out Stony Brook Medicine's Twitter account under the user name @StonyBrookMed and look for the hashtag #HealthTipsChat.

The questions that were asked during the chat were:

  1. Why is a healthy diet important before, during & after cancer treatment? 
  2. What are the benefits of a plant based diet? How can this diet help a cancer patient/survivor? 
  3. What lifestyle practices are important in combination with a balanced & nutritious diet?
  4. Will vitamins & supplements help someone before, during or after cancer treatment? 
  5. How can someone manage cancer side effects with food?
  6. Cancer can often cause weight gain. How can a survivor lose weight in a healthy way?
  7. Should certain foods be avoided during cancer treatment?
  8. What can someone eat or drink to stay hydrated throughout his or her journey with cancer?