Aim High: Reducing the Cancer Burden on Long Island

We all look forward to the day when all cancers can be prevented, when a cancer diagnosis is manageable, or even better, when a complete cure has been found for one or more of the types of cancer. Until that time, Stony Brook Cancer Center is committed to easing the burden of cancer for the individuals, families, friends and communities affected by this disease.

At Stony Brook Cancer Center, the Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) team is dedicated to reducing the cancer burden in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. The cancer burden in our society includes the impact on public health due to the high volume of people diagnosed each year, the disparate impact on underserved populations, decreased quality of life, and lower survival rates for disadvantaged populations. 

Steps to reducing the cancer burden
Some of the major goals of the COE office are to help in facilitating cancer research and delivering evidence-based cancer education, prevention and screening to the Long Island community. By building upon the existing leadership, organization and community-based infrastructure, we aim to create a bi-directional, trusting partnership with the Long Island community and work toward implementing services and policies to reduce the cancer burden. 

The team’s efforts are integrated into all programs of Stony Brook Cancer Center, including collaborating with researchers and clinicians throughout Stony Brook University and Stony Brook Medicine. The COE office’s website outlines the breadth of activities and resources available, including information about the local cancer burden on Long Island.


CALL    (631) 444-4COE or (631) 444-4263

Reaching out and partnering with our community

Our office has been diligently working to build relationships in communities across Nassau and Suffolk Counties. We have been creating partnerships and providing ongoing educational workshops on cancer prevention and screening to various organizations including libraries, summer camps, senior centers, faith-based organizations, high schools and colleges. 

For information about COE upcoming events,
VISIT  Our Community Outreach Calendar

To request a presentation or educational event for your organization, office, or community programming,
FILL OUT  Request Form