(631) 632-7811
Department of Psychology
Psychology B-224
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2500

Anne Moyer, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology
Stony Brook University
Research Program
Oncogenic Drivers and Mechanisms of CarcinogenesisDepartment
PsychologyResearch Interest
My research focuses on psychosocial issues surrounding cancer and cancer risk. This includes investigating ways to encourage women to engage in mammography screening and interventions to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. A related focus is medical decision making. This research includes studying the role of optimism in risk perception and treatment decisions, and decision making in veterinary medical contexts. I am also interested in research methodology and the psychology of research participation. This work investigates, for example, how participant preferences interact with random assignment to treatment groups in clinical trials to affect engagement in treatment. A methodological focus of my lab is research synthesis. With systematic review and meta-analytic techniques, we have investigated the efficacy of group versus individual exercise interventions in improving quality of life for breast cancer patients, whether pre-intervention patient distress moderates intervention effectiveness, and the relationship between post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth in cancer survivors.
BA: McMaster University, Canada
MA, MPhil, PhD: Yale University