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At Stony Brook Cancer Center, we understand that being diagnosed with cancer is life-altering and deserves individualized attention.

The Colorectal Oncology Management Team provides comprehensive services for colon, rectal, small intestinal, and anal cancers. Our patients are treated by highly trained, highly skilled colorectal surgeons in collaboration with a team of experts in medical oncology and radiation oncology who focus on this type of cancer. This multidisciplinary team collaborates to offer each patient a personalized plan of care.

There are numerous research studies and projects dedicated to cancer being performed within Stony Brook University and Stony Brook Medicine. The majority of clinical trials are developed from research projects. The Cancer Center has more than 100 active cancer clinical trials, several dedicated to colorectal cancer. Patients are encouraged to speak to their doctor and healthcare team to learn if there is an appropriate clinical trial for them.

(631) SB-CANCER 
(631) 722-2623
Outpatient Cancer Center
Lauterbur Drive
Stony Brook, NY 11794
Division of
Colorectal Surgery

Stony Brook University Hospital
HSC-Lv 18-046B
(631) 444-1825

Your Team for Colon, Rectal, Small Intestinal and Anal Cancers


Medical Hematology/Oncology

Radiation Oncology


Interventional Radiology

 Daniel J. Ohngemach, MD, RPVI

Enterostomal Therapy

  • Karen E. Chmiel, RN
  • Susan Guschel, RN
    For information on enterostomal therapy, call (631) 444-7531.