2024 Research Symposium

2024 Research Symposium  
July 12, 2024
8:00 AM – 4:00PM
The Waterview
Port Jefferson, New York

Please fill out the registration form. This information will appear on your badge.

Breakfast and lunch to be provided

We try to accommodate Dietary needs but please note we are not always able to do so.

Will you be presenting a poster at the Symposium ?
If Allergy, please select all that apply:


Poster presentation and awards.

Poster session discussion.

Poster presenters will be divided into thematic groups based on the submitted abstracts (max 10 people/group, depending on the number of submitted abstracts).

Each thematic group will be composed of a mix of all-level trainees.

Two judges will join each group.

General audience members can join any poster group of their choice.

10:15 - 11:45 AM    Poster Session Phase I

Each presenter has 5 minutes to discuss his/her/their poster (using the poster board).

A Q&A session will follow each presentation.

Judges will grade abstracts and presentations for poster awards.

11:45 AM – 1:00 PM     Poster Session Phase II - Working Lunch

Over lunch, each thematic group of poster presenters will discuss potential new ideas for research collaborations.

There will be a discussion facilitator for each group.

Novel collaborative research ideas can be summarized in one slide to be projected later for the general discussion.

1:00 - 1:45 PM each group will report to the general audience



Poster awards. One award for each category.

Undergraduate student Up to $500 for educational enrichment (course, software etc)

Graduate student Up to $500 for educational enrichment (course, software etc)

Research scientist Up to $500 for educational enrichment (course, software etc)

Post-doctoral fellow Up to $1500 towards attending a training event (course, meeting)

Instructor/junior faculty; Up to $1500 towards attending a training event (course, meeting)


Research ideas awards. Two seed grants of up to $10k each.

2-4 new collaborative research ideas (involving a minimum of two labs each) presented at the retreat by trainees will be invited to be expanded in short proposals. The proposals will be evaluated for funding.

Abstracts submission

Font, size 14, Font type Effra

Abstract max length: 400 words

Include all authors. Presenter’s name should be underlined; specify position (student, post doc, research scientist etc) of presenter on abstract. Chose one category and indicated your choice when emailing your abstract. 

The five categories for the poster abstracts are:
    Undergraduate Student  
    Graduate Student
    Research Scientist
    Post-Doctoral Fellow
    Instructor/Junior Faculty

   Posters dimension

Dimensions 36x48

When making a poster, be concise, limit the text in the poster and include easy to read Figures for audience to be able to follow poster presentations.

Poster dimensions are indicative of available easels. Presenters are encouraged to be creative in the presentation of their posters and can choose alternative formats. No video slides are allowed for the 5 minutes poster presentations.

Deadline to submit abstract is July 2, 2024 by 5pm

Please send your abstract to the following: lauren.cutaia@stonybrookmedicine.edu
cc: chiara.luberto@stonybrookmedicine.edu

In subject line: Poster Abstract Research Symposium and include last name


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Cancelling Your Symposium Reservation

* In order for the Cancer Center not to incur catering cancellation charges, you must cancel your reservation via email or by phone up to10 days prior (July 5, 2024).

Please contact: Lauren Cutaia
(631) 444-8067

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