You have been scheduled to have a bronchoscopy on ______________________ at __________ AM / PM.
Please check with your insurance company to see if prior authorization is needed and
notify us if it is required.
Please read the following instructions carefully:
- You MUST arrange to have someone (not a taxi) drive you home after the bronchoscopy. This requirement is for your safety. Although you will be observed for several hours after the procedure, you will still be affected by medications you will receive. If you do not have a responsible driver, the procedure will be cancelled.
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT the night before the bronchoscopy. If you take over-the-counter medication or any blood thinners including aspirin, please alert the physician. You may be asked to refrain from taking these medications before the procedure.
- You should plan to arrive at University Medical Center 1 hour before the time of your procedure. Stop at Central Registration in the main lobby. Then report to the Endoscopy Suite on the 14th floor, north tower, of the hospital.
- The nurse in the holding area will start an IV line (intra-venous; into a vein), give you the necessary medication, and perform a brief medical evaluation.
- You should plan to be in the recovery area for about 2 hours after the procedure is over.
If you have any questions before the bronchoscopy, do not hesitate to call us at 631-444-2981 during the day, or speak with the pulmonary physician on call at night or during the weekend at 631-689-8333 (operator).