Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Cancer

What is breast cancer?
It's a group of diseases caused by the growth of abnormal cells in the breast. The cancer cells form lumps, also called tumors. Left untreated, cancer cells can break away from the tumor and travel to other parts of the body, forming new tumors. But there is good news. Discovering the cancer early greatly increases your chances of successful treatment.

Why should I learn about breast cancer?
Because it can affect you. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the U.S. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), in 2025, an estimated 310,720 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed. You can learn to help detect the disease early, when it is most treatable. The more you know about breast cancer, the more you can do to keep yourself healthy.

What causes breast cancer?
In a very small number of cases, it's caused by a defective gene. But in most cases, the cause is unknown. Scientists are studying several factors:

  • Diet -- for example, whether eating less fat and more fiber helps prevent breast cancer.
  • Smoking -- whether this known cause of some other cancers plays a role in breast cancer.
  • Alcohol use -- suspected, but not yet proven, to be linked to breast cancer.
  • Exercise -- it may help prevent breast cancer in women under 40.
  • Environmental factors -- especially certain pesticides.
  • Hormone changes -- such as those caused by starting menstruation early or reaching menopause late.

It's too early to know for sure if these things affect breast cancer risk. Hormone or estrogen replacement therapy can help prevent heart disease and osteoporosis after menopause. Experts generally agree that these benefits far outweigh any possible risk of breast cancer, except in women already treated for breast cancer. Ask your healthcare provider for details.

How likely am I to develop breast cancer?
Any woman can develop breast cancer. Some women have special risks. Your risk is higher if you:

  • Are age 50 or over
  • Already had breast cancer
  • Have an immediate relative, such as mother, sister or daughter, who had or has breast cancer
  • Never had a child or had your first child after age 30

All woman must be aware:

  • Even if you have no risk factors, you can still get breast cancer. In fact, most women who have developed the disease had no identified risk factors.
  • Having risk factors doesn't mean you will get breast cancer. But, it's good to be aware of your possibly higher risk, and to follow up with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have.

For information and appointments for an annual mammogram, call (631) 638-2121.