Staging is the process of finding out how far the cancer has spread (metastasized). This information will determine your treatment options and prognosis-the probable course of your disease and the chance of your recovery from it. Numerous tests may be performed to determine the stage.
The TNM system is commonly used. Each letter, together with a number after it, gives more details.
- "T" describes the tumor size and whether the cancer has spread to nearby tissues.
- "N" describes if or how far the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes (pea-sized "glands" that filter impurities from the body).
- "M" tells whether the cancer has spread to other organs of the body.
These TNM descriptions are the grouped together into stages 1 (early) through 4 (advanced). In general, the lower the number the better prognosis.
For small-cell cancer, a two-stage system is most often used. Limited stage means that the cancer is confined to one area in the chest. Extensive stage means that the cancer has spread beyond the chest.